Online educational sharing has become increasingly popular in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and the need for flexible and accessible learning opportunities. Various tools have emerged to facilitate online educational sharing, with each one having its own strengths and features. When selecting a tool, it is crucial for instructional designers and educators to consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, security, integration capabilities, cost, and technical support.
This technology guide was created for the final course of my graduate degree, Learning Technologies. The goal is to provide an overview of some of the most common technologies used in P-20 education today, including social media collaborative learning, mobile learning, and gamification in distance and digital learning.
Using a comprehensive, hands-on approach, I evaluated and chose tools based on specific learning requirements for various educational settings. The Web 2.0 technologies I focused on are Genially, Wix Blogs, Slack, and Flip.
Prezi is a great tool for online educational sharing and to create a visually engaging, interactive presentations. I incorporated Prezi in the technology guide to demonstrate how social media can be used in collaborative learning.
The hope is that this guide will show how using the right tools can transform simple assets into engaging, interactive, and effective eLearning solutions.